Anticipation dear readers. That is what truly counts, and unfortunately Amazon does not have an anti-Anticipation policy on their hands. If they did the world would surely crumble. Wouldn't that be the day?
My wait, however, is halfway over. Most of the items I recently purchased have arrived (the fourth, expectedly a day or two late, the last being on backorder). The calm you may be feeling from me is purely a show because inside I am a bursting bubble of happiness. Why?
Well, a training sword really. I've been looking at one for ages, but finally remembered to buy one when the budgets aligned to do so. I would have bought a real sword, albeit that wouldn't serve the purpose I bought this one for. Not to mention the exceptionally raised prices in comparison. I don't make that much money here.
Needless to say, I'm having a lot of fun with it. I pretty much haven't let it out of my sight since it arrived. Now I won't need my *ahem* PVC stick to practice my swordsmanship. Because I've got the real deal and it's fabulous. Eventually I'm planning on buying the set of double Katana's that Cold Steel sells.
Of course you may wonder why I might be needing a sword? Or why I am so interested in swordsmanship?
I have always been rather enthralled by- oh who am I kidding. I just really love fight scenes in movies. Being that I grew up watching Star Wars at least once a week (I'm not even kidding) swordfighting, or rather, Lightsaber fighting, has been a particular draw.
I've worked on two films with fighting in them, as the Head Choreographer. Though as anyone in their craft may feel when looking back upon their work, I such much room for improvement. Neither of the films involved swords, but even so, I've had quite the drive to research swordsmanship, alongside use of other weaponry and hand to hand combat.
So here I am. At the moment I am studying Medieval European Swordsmanship, though I plan on learning Asian Swordsmanship as well. I have a very basic knowledge of Krav Maga as well, though have not practiced it faithfully. And on a slightly unrelated topic, I'm hoping to pursue Parkour, if I can even find a gym that teaches it near me. That has proven... difficult.
There you have it. I have quite the interest in fighting and now have begun collecting my weaponry. That even includes some wooden knives which I've become fond of carving these last two days. They are very fun to mess around with. Especially since I'm such a fan of the Highway Fight from The Winter Solider. What can I say, Bucky's fighting is kinda perfection.
You must teach me your ways, oh master. *bows*
ReplyDeleteBut seriously, I must learn! I wonder how much I remember from my lightsaber days...
Thanks! I can't wait to see either. :)