My saddle rack is finally built, after having owned and awkwardly stored my saddle for months. While Tiana and Mamma went to California, my dad and I finally found the time to build it. The best part, it was free! We used scrap wood from previous deck building, and screws that my dad had bought... at a time. The best part of building it (besides the math, I KNOW CALL ME CRAZY IT'S FUN THOUGH) was burning it. I decided to go for a rustic look because of reasons. I'm very happy with how it turned out.
I forgot if I ever mentioned this on my blog, my Tiana and I are working with Rogue ZoHu to make an LCC film. And Monday was my second choreography day and I'M IN LOVE. Swordfighting is basically the best thing in the world. I can't say much, but Annie did reveal a video so I can say that grappling with Max was so much fun! Oh gosh. I was a little nervous at first but it was actually so much fun you have no idea. Max also showed me his Rapiers, which are amazing. It was great, because after lunch he just handed me a Rapier, and without a word walked onto the grass so we could fight. And let me say, he's a really good fighter. It was an honor to battle him.
Monday led to many injuries, which I will cherish forever. Nothing long lasting, but I did bruise my shoulder, and twist my ankle. My ankle seems to be healing, but I keep walking on it weird and making it hurt. I'm so uncoordinated I can't walk properly, and am probably making it take longer to heal. I also, at some point in time, hurt my shoulder. Whatever I did, it hurts when I move it certain ways. So that's annoying. Honestly I could care less about the pain. I'm more worried about if I did something serious. Which I doubt. But I'm a pro at overthinking so...
I saw Star Trek: Beyond today! Despite various problems I have with the film, it's won my heart because Michael Giacchino is a master of music, Bones is perfection, Kirk was of course awesome, feels about Ambassador Spock's death because Leonard Nimoy died so sadness. And just EVERYBODY. Ug not to mention Chekov. Every scene with him was sad because I know he'll never be back. I lost it when the credits started and it said "For Anton." It's so sad.

Lastly, I've finally finished season two of The Flash. MY FANGIRL HEART. Let's take a moment to appreciate two things: Fourway crossover is happening because Stephen Amell posted a photo so I'M INCREDIBLY HAPPY (Flarrow, Legends of Flarrow, and Super Flash already broke me) and secondly FLASHPOINT. OH GOSH. Daniel gave me the Flashpoint comic, and I'm almost finished and awww... feels. Like. My fangirl heart can't take this. BRUCE NO. I CAN'T TAKE THIS. BARRY DON'T FORGET. STOP KILLING EVERYBODY I CARE ABOUT. DIANA AND AUTHOR STOP FIGHTING. UG.
This has been a life update by me.
Stay classy my friends.
It sounds as though you've been busy recently. I tagged you for the Five Favorite Couples tag! :)
ReplyDeleteThat's the funny thing, is I sound like I'm busy but I've been so lazy that sometimes I don't even know what I'm doing with my life. Bleh. XD